Dental Care for Babies
It is advised your child see a dentist once they reach 12 months of age.
If anything out of the ordinary is witnessed prior to 12 months, seek a dental consult right away.
When do babies get teeth pain?
As a tooth is erupting, it is breaking through gingival tissues. Some children are symptomatic during this process and tend to chew, drool or feel irritated while others may experience no symptoms.
What helps with teething pain for babies?
Teething rings and cold wet compresses on the gingiva are generally good options for avoiding and relieving pain. In some instances your dental practitioner may recommend pain relief. Pharmacy purchased soothing gels which contain topical anesthetics are best to be avoided.
It is also possible for babies and children to teeth without symptoms.
What causes dental caries in babies/toddlers?
The cause of dental caries is multifactorial. It is essential to keep your child’s mouth clean and practice appropriate oral hygiene as well as an enriched diet with decreased sugar intake. Other than your child’s own saliva and water, liquids including milk have potential to cause dental decay. Bottle feeding, breastfeeding other dietary advice are many reasons why your child should seek a dental visit early.
How to prevent dental caries in babies
Good dental hygiene (tooth brushing or wiping off plaque using age appropriate children’s toothpaste), limited sweet foods/snacking, limited sweet beverages, frequent water intake are all ways to prevent dental caries in babies.
How to prevent dental caries in toddlers
The same oral health practices as above apply. Fortunately some toddlers are very motivated with brushing their teeth and have a good routine at home both morning at night, although this may be the case, a child does not have the appropriate dexterity to correctly remove plaque therefore it is important to help your child finish cleaning once they have had a go themselves.
More Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Care for Babies
- At what age should my child start flossing?There is no minimum age. Flossing is an oral hygiene practice for removing plaque accumulated in between teeth, therefore as soon as your child has teeth side by side, tooth brushing alone will not be effective enough. Tooth brushing and flossing together with your children can help them learn and keep them motivated.
- When should babies get dental insurance?For dental appointments it is best to have them insured prior to their visit, you must seek advice from your insurer to confirm claims and any out of pocket costs you may be required to pay at the appointment. We are happy to answer any queries regarding costs prior to your child's dental appointment, do not hesitate to call our reception. Please note children under the age of 2 years old are not eligible for Medicare’s Child Dental Benefit Scheme.
- References and further reading1. https://www.ada.org.au/getattachment/Your-Dental-Health/Resources-for-Professionals/Resources-for-Children-0-11/When-should-my-child-first-see-the-dentist/When-should-my-child-first-see-the-dentist_.pdf.aspx
2. Arivudainambi, B. D. S., Stewart, H., Robert, J., Schroth, D. M. D., Nicolae, A., van den Heuvel, M., ... & Wong, P. D. (2019). Keeping caries at bay in breastfeeding babies. THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, 68(3).
3. De Rossi, A., Nelson-Filho, P., De Rossi, M., Huamán, S. D., & Vilela, M. M. (2020). Dentistry for babies: a practical possibility of oral health promotion. Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana, 7(2), 116-126.

Waverley Park Dental Care is child friendly
Some notes here about what you have set up in the clinic to look after children specifically. Gentle care, friendly staff.
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